Fund For the Arts
The aim of the Fund for The Arts is to encourage the preservation of the heritage of Robert Burns and the Arts in Scotland by providing financial assistance to pupils from schools in the East End of Glasgow who have demonstrated talent in the Club's Schools' Competition and who go on to study the Arts at tertiary level.
Award of Bursaries or Grants
Within the limitations of available funding, the Club aims to award at least one bursary per year to individual pupils of primary and secondary schools that have participated with distinction in the Bridgeton Burns Club Schools' Competition.
Given that university or college courses tend to last for three years, the Club aims to maintain at least four students receiving three-year bursary awards concurrently with one new recipient being selected each year to replace students who have completed their studies.
In selecting candidates for bursary awards, preference will be given to pupils who have achieved the greatest success or have the longest record of individual participation in the Club's Schools' Competition (e.g. have won a Club Silver Medal). Preference will also be given to pupils who are undertaking university or college courses in the fields of Music, Literature or Drama and who most impress the Fund for the Arts Trustees with their potential for preserving the Burns heritage in the future.
Depending on funding available, lesser Grants may be awarded towards the expenses of boys and girls who have the opportunity to attend workshops, seminars, conferences or short courses relevant to the Club's aims, particularly where no financial assistance or support is available from local authorities or other sources. A recent bursar Amber Blake wrote a ceilidh tune named Bridgeton Burns Club to commemorate our 150 years existence and was covered by the BBC Television news!
Pupils selected for a bursary award will be called for interview by the Trustees.
All awards are subject to the discretion and approval of the Trustees of the Fund. We have recently awarded a bursary to a student at University of Glasgow reading psychology but who has a clear commitment to the performing arts and won prizes over several years and volunteered to help.
Applications should be made using the Application Form below and should be forwarded by e-mail to either or